IZTECH Sharing House

IZTECH Sharing House, organized under IZTECH Social Assistance and Solidarity Office (SOYAD), serves IZTECH students and staff to carry out the following activities: 

  • To deliver food, clothing and personal care products obtained from benefactors to our students in need, 
  • To ensure that our staff and other employees benefit from the clothes that are not suitable for students through our bazaar, 
  • Recycling the out-of-use clothes and making them available to those in need as bazaar products, 
  • To use the revenues from the bazaars organized by benefactors and friends of IZTECH for all kinds of student needs (stationery, computers, transportation, food, etc.), 
  • Serving cake and tea to our students at certain times of the day, 
  • Tailor service to our staff and students with a sewing machine in our house. 
Fadime İçen

Fadime İçen

Responsible Staff